We believe in providing quality education to our learners so they can go out into the world with confidence and leave their own legacy of meaningful contributions


MEPS is a family-run educational institution established in 1996, that caters to learners between the ages of 3 and 18 years of age. We offer a safe and peaceful environment on the outskirts of Polokwane City.

Founded by a local community mother, Betty Kennedy who recognized the importance of educating our youth and fostering a sense of hope that would inspire them to achieve their goals in the world. With the goal of producing learners who are fluent, confident and competent in English, Betty began MEPS by catering to young learners in crèche and primary schools levels. Then later, incorporated a High School to accommodate all students through to Grade 12.


MEPS boarding facilities cater for children as young as three years old. All of our boarders, are taught the principles of cleanliness, responsibility, and routine from a young age which helps to build a strong foundation of values and purpose within our students lives. Staying true to our Founding mother Betty Kennedy's vision to educate, inspire and give them hope to achieve their goals in the future.